
Enlightenment Ideas of Government Reform


These are political theories and principles that emerged during the Enlightenment period (17th-18th centuries), advocating for individual rights, democracy, separation of powers, and social contract. They challenged traditional authority structures like monarchy and church rule.

Related terms

Social Contract Theory: This is a philosophical concept suggesting that individuals willingly surrender some of their freedoms to the state in exchange for protection of their remaining rights. It's like agreeing to follow school rules so you can benefit from education.

Separation of Powers: This is a form of government where power is divided among different branches - typically legislative, executive, judicial - to prevent any one entity from gaining absolute control. It's like splitting chores among siblings so no one person has to do everything or becomes too powerful at home.

Democracy: A system of government where power lies with the people who may govern directly or through elected representatives. Imagine if students could vote on school policies; that's democracy in action.

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